June Well-Being Tips
Posted: June 15, 2023 | Category: Well-Being Tips
- Get Physical and Feel the Difference. A boost for everything from your brain to your heart and bones, staying physically active is one of the basic “good health” guidelines for everyone, regardless of age. While you may feel like coming home from the office or hospital and heading for the couch, you can do yourself a big, long-term favor by taking a walk or a bike ride instead. This infographic from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spells it out.
- What Do Doctors Really Eat? Are health care providers practicing what they preach to their patients? Read these interviews with a variety of physicians who explain their eating habits and how they manage their diet on busy, rushed schedules. Valley Preferred clinicians have the convenience of fresh food through the Kellyn Mobile Market, offering produce and premade meals. Pickup locations here.
- Sound Sleep in Summer. Having a hard time snoozing? External temperatures can interfere with the natural thermoregulation that occurs during sleep. If your bedroom is too warm – as it might be during the spring, summer, and early fall – your body temperature can increase and disturb your sleep. This article from the Sleep Foundation gives you 10 tips for getting to sleep and staying there when it’s hot and humid outside.