December Well-Being Tips

Posted: December 13, 2023 | Category: Well-Being Tips

  • The Year to Try a Healthier Dinner Plan. If ham, buttery mashed potatoes, and pie make up your holiday go-to meal, this year you might want to try something different. These 41 slides from Rodale’s Prevention magazine offer timeless recipes that are easy on your body while deliciously appealing to the eye. Let this year be different.
  • The How-To Guide for Holiday Inflatables. You love them when they’re standing proudly. But they can easily blow away, or worse, become deflated and fall in a heap on your lawn. This step-by-step from Everything Backyard covers location, inflation, care, and even how much electricity they use. It’s a must for anyone daring to take on these larger-than-life decorations!
  • Thinking Inclusively. Are we missing something by not learning about other cultural holidays? It can be energizing to expand our understanding beyond the familiar. This brief article explains the commonly celebrated holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. But have you ever heard of Soyal? Learn about it and more here.